Geas On-Line Gaming Survey
With the Covid-19 pandemic, and the national and university level responses, Geas will be transitioning to online gaming for the foreseeable future. We know that this change will bring a number of new challenges for players, GMs, and members in general, and as such, we want to try to understand what concerns, issues or needs may arise.

The purpose of this survey is to identify and understand what issues you may have with online gaming -- such as cognitive challenges, sensory requirements or digital fatigue -- so that we can better support you. The information gathered from this survey will inform any policy or guidance on how we can continue to make gaming spaces more accessible, particularly within the digital realm.

This survey will be anonymous. There will be no identifying information. All responses will be time-stamped, and all information collected here will be stored on a Google Drive that is accessible only to the Equality and Wellbeing Officer. The Equality and Wellbeing Officer will report the results of the Survey to the Committee and/or the wider membership, and this information may be shared with external bodies for the purpose of improving accessibility at Geas. The raw information from the survey will be stored for three years after the end of the current Committee's tenure, and will be expunged safely thereafter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Equality and Wellbeing Officer at

Disclaimer: Only share what you are comfortable with. We appreciate that sometimes, people’s experience might be difficult and distressing. Please know that you are not obliged to share anything you don’t want to, and we want you to consider your safety first and foremost while filling out this survey.

By continuing submission, you are consenting to us collecting and using this data as above.
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