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2022/23 Halloween One Shot Form
Halloween One shots are in person this year! Please indicate the kind of game you'll be running, how many slots you have, and give a short description with content warnings. A full description can be provided on the day. 
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Name *
Name of Game *
System *
How many Spaces *
Short Description *
Please provide a short (max 150 words) description of your game so players can know what they are signing up for. Please remember to include things like tone, setting, genre, themes, or any other details you might find relevant.
Content Advisories *
If you're unsure of what you should flag, then consider why you've selected the age rating above and take a look at the BBFC guidance for it. Another source to consult is the RPG Consent Checklist, it contains a list of some of the most commonly challenging content, if you see something on there that will be heavily featured in your game, please consider listing it below: 
Age Rating *
If you were to use the BBFC's age rating system, what rating do you want to set for the game? Players will be expected to abide by the age rating that you set. For more information, look up the BBFC web site on what the classifications mean:
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