Conpulsion Director Information


p dir=”ltr”>Greetings Adventurers!


p dir=”ltr”>The position of Conpulsion Director will be decided in a week’s time, and so that all interested parties are as informed as possible this email will go over the position and its responsibilities as well as how to apply.


p dir=”ltr”>Firstly, the role of Conpulsion director is one that is responsible for the organisation and running of Conpulsion. This is not to be confused with the role of Conpulsion Liaison which is responsible with communicating with EUSA and the general GEAS committee. Also, you do not have to be a student to run for this position.


p dir=”ltr”>As for how to apply, you must send an email to the GEAS email account detailing:

  • Your proposed committee’s makeup and who will be taking which role on said committee

  • Your overall aims with regards to Conpulsion

  • Why you are well suited for the role

  • Any other relevant details you would like to include.


p dir=”ltr”>You have until next Sunday before 5pm to get your email in, and make sure that your email subject is ‘Conpulsion Director Application’


p dir=”ltr”>A full outline of Conpulsion Director responsibilities can be found in the GEAS constitution (Available at


p dir=”ltr”>For the Glory of GEAS,


p dir=”ltr”>GEAS Secretary,


p dir=”ltr”>Logan C. Anderson.

EGM 28th of April Minutes

Greetings adventurers!

The minutes for the EGM meeting of the 28th of April are as follows:

  • By general consensus, it was decided that the name of the position of ‘welfare officer’ should be changed to ‘equality and wellbeing officer’.
  • The position of Events Coordinator was voted on, and the position was given to Robyn Higgins
  • The position of Conpulsion Liaison was voted on, and the position was given to Calum Freeman
  • Lastly, the position of Conpulsion Director was described in detail and the process for application was told.
  • No further matters were raised.

An email detailing the Conpulsion Director role and how to apply for it will be sent out to the mailing list later today.

For the Glory of GEAS!

GEAS Secretary,
Logan C. Anderson

EGM Date


p dir=”ltr”>Greetings Adventurers!


p dir=”ltr”>This email is to inform you all that our EGM will be taking place this Sunday, the 28th of April, at 5pm in the dining room at Teviot. At this EGM, among other things, there will be a vote on the position of Conpulsion Liason. We strongly encourage all of you to try your best to make it to this EGM as your votes will shape the future of GEAS and Conpulsion over the next year. If you cannot make it to the EGM, then please consider giving a proxy vote to someone that you trust to vote on your behalf.


p dir=”ltr”>As an additional note, we would like to remind you that if you are still not a member of GEAS then you will have to sign up at least 24 hours prior to the EGM if you would like to vote in it. This can be done through EUSA’s website for £1.50 a semester or £3 for a full year and non-student and student prices are identical.


p dir=”ltr”>


p dir=”ltr”>Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you all at the EGM.


p dir=”ltr”>


p dir=”ltr”>GEAS Secretary


p dir=”ltr”>Logan C. Anderson

EGM Date


p dir=”ltr”>Greetings Adventurers!


p dir=”ltr”>This email is to inform you all that our EGM will be taking place on the 28th of April. Those of you familiar with previous years’ EGM dates may realise this is a little later than is traditional (with typical EGM dates being just after Conpulsion). However the date was chosen this year as the usual date we would pick clashes with nationals and the week after that clashes with Easter. Therefore the date chosen is the closest date that could be chosen to Conpulsion.


p dir=”ltr”>At this EGM, among other things, there will be a vote on the position of Conpulsion Liason. We strongly encourage all of you to try your best to make it to this EGM as your votes will shape the future of GEAS and Conpulsion over the next year. If you cannot make it to the EGM, then please consider giving a proxy vote to someone that you trust to vote on your behalf.


p dir=”ltr”>As an additional note, we would like to remind you that if you are still not a member of GEAS then you will have to sign up at least 24 hours prior to the EGM if you would like to vote in it. This can be done through EUSA’s website for £1.50 a semester or £3 for a full year and non-student and student prices are identical. Signing up is very important, as without members signing up EUSA will refuse to give us room bookings that suit our needs. Membership is the best way to show to EUSA that we have as many members as we do, and it also allows you to have a say in the future of our dear society through voting.


p dir=”ltr”>Lastly, we would like to remind all GEAS members that bringing outside alcohol into EUSA locations is forbidden. It goes without saying that this is not allowed under licensing laws, and if it were to occur then the repercussions would not only potentially be severe for the individual bringing the alcohol, but also for the society as a whole.


p dir=”ltr”>Kind regards from your new GEAS Secretary,


p dir=”ltr”>Logan C. Anderson.

Lost hat from Saturday’s social

Greetings Adventurers!

At our social last night, a grey/green hat was found left behind. To the owner of the hat, if you would like to claim it then Craig will be at the afternoon games today and will have it.

GEAS Secretary
Logan C. Anderson

Social tonight!

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Don’t forget, we have a social at the Peartree tonight! Hope to see you there.

For the glory of GEAS,
Julia Rowe
Ex-socials Secretary

March Social!

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

We now have our March social booked, on the 30th of March at 6:30pm in the Peartree on West Nicholson Street.

This will be my last social before handing over to Jason for next year, so I hope to see you there!

For the glory of GEAS,
Julia Rowe
Socials Secretary

AGM 2019

Our glorious AGM has occurred.

The main event is of course, the election of the new committee, but first some administrative votes were held.

  1. Conpulsion and Nationals elections deferred to an EGM after their respective events.

  2. Creation of a new, advisory Comittee position of legacy committee advisor – an ex committee member to assist the new committee with the process of being a committee and navigating EUSAs rules.

  3. The existing advisory roles of webmaster and wellbeing officer affirmed as continuing

  4. New Committee Elections

President: Emily Booth

Secretary: Logan Anderson

Treasurer: Angus Barr

Socials: Jason Ebblewhite

Webmaster: Alan Jackson

Legacy Advisor: Judith Spaargaren

Wellbeing officer: Vivek Santayana

  1. The EGM date will be announced once we have a venue booked. It will be after the nationals, which are in mid April.

AGM Reminder

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Just a friendly reminder that there is an AGM at 17:00 between the two Sunday sessions. We need as many student members to be there as possible so we can keep the society going. Our constitution does unfortunately prohibit non-student members from engaging during the AGM, but if you have a point you wish to be raised, please either let us know in advance or ask a student who will be present to raise the point for you.

Hope to see you all there!

For the glory of GEAS!
Josh Shanks
GEAS Secretary

Wednesday Room

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

We’ve unfortunately had a last minute room cancellation for tonight’s game. EUSA is looking at getting us some tables in the New Amphion so we’re not totally roomless.

For the glory of GEAS!
Josh Shanks
GEAS Secretary