Social tonight!

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Don’t forget, we have a social at the Peartree tonight! Hope to see you there.

For the glory of GEAS,
Julia Rowe
Ex-socials Secretary

March Social!

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

We now have our March social booked, on the 30th of March at 6:30pm in the Peartree on West Nicholson Street.

This will be my last social before handing over to Jason for next year, so I hope to see you there!

For the glory of GEAS,
Julia Rowe
Socials Secretary

AGM 2019

Our glorious AGM has occurred.

The main event is of course, the election of the new committee, but first some administrative votes were held.

  1. Conpulsion and Nationals elections deferred to an EGM after their respective events.

  2. Creation of a new, advisory Comittee position of legacy committee advisor – an ex committee member to assist the new committee with the process of being a committee and navigating EUSAs rules.

  3. The existing advisory roles of webmaster and wellbeing officer affirmed as continuing

  4. New Committee Elections

President: Emily Booth

Secretary: Logan Anderson

Treasurer: Angus Barr

Socials: Jason Ebblewhite

Webmaster: Alan Jackson

Legacy Advisor: Judith Spaargaren

Wellbeing officer: Vivek Santayana

  1. The EGM date will be announced once we have a venue booked. It will be after the nationals, which are in mid April.

AGM Reminder

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Just a friendly reminder that there is an AGM at 17:00 between the two Sunday sessions. We need as many student members to be there as possible so we can keep the society going. Our constitution does unfortunately prohibit non-student members from engaging during the AGM, but if you have a point you wish to be raised, please either let us know in advance or ask a student who will be present to raise the point for you.

Hope to see you all there!

For the glory of GEAS!
Josh Shanks
GEAS Secretary

Wednesday Room

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

We’ve unfortunately had a last minute room cancellation for tonight’s game. EUSA is looking at getting us some tables in the New Amphion so we’re not totally roomless.

For the glory of GEAS!
Josh Shanks
GEAS Secretary

Repitches Correction

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Due to a slight miscommunication error, please disregard the previous email regarding repitches. Repitches are in fact this week, and we have rooms for them for all sessions. Sorry for any confusion caused.

Josh Shanks
GEAS Secretary

Room Bookings for February 24-7th

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Firstly, we have the Dining Room for both Sunday sessions on the 24th of February, and the Potterrow Dome for Wednesday the 27th. This will be the last week of gaming before repitches.

Repitches will be on the 3rd and 6th of March. We are actively working on getting a room for the afternoon pitches on the 3rd, but in the evening we will be in the Dining room, and on the 6th we will be in the Potterrow Dome. Look forward to seeing you all there!

For the glory of GEAS!

Josh Shanks
GEAS Secretary

Pub Social Tonight!

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Just thought I’d remind you that we have a pub social on tonight at 6pm, in the Peartree on West Nicholson Street. I hope to see you there!

For the glory of GEAS,
Julia Rowe
Socials Secretary

Tonight’s Room Bookings

Greetings great adventurers,

We hope that your Flexible Learning/Innovative Learning/Reading Week is going well so far! This e-mail is to inform you that we have had a slight alteration to our room bookings for tonight (Wednesday the 20th of February) from the Dome to the New Amphion. EUSA will have blocked off a section for our games to be in, and the Amphion will be open until ten, so our games should be able to run as normal.

Just as a reminder, our Repitches will be happening this Sunday and next Wednesday – we do not as of yet have bookings for some of these slots (Sunday Afternoon and Wednesdays), but we will hopefully be able to find something suitable. Updates on this to follow.

Until tonight!

For the glory of GEAS,
Judith Spaargaren


The day has arrived! Tickets to Conpulsion 2019 are finally here! Rejoice! Buy! Rejoice some more!

But wait! It gets better! Sign up now and you’ll get your tickets at Early Bird prices: that’s a whole £5 off what was already a ludicrously cheap ticket! That means it’s only £10 for the whole weekend and a measley £5 for a single day ticket. So if you’re reading this, what are you waiting for! The Early Bird deal only lasts till March 4th, so go and buy your tickets here now:

What’s that about T-Shirts? Why, don’t you know? The Conpulsion T-Shirt is a tradition that has gone back generations (note: ‘generations’ is not meant to imply generations of humans), they’re both collectors’ items and stylish apparel. This year the T-Shirts are emblazoned with the mighty Death Griffin, the winner of last year’s logo competition (an event so popular it’s happening again this year and you should totally sign up hint hint). If you want one of these majestic shirts (and let’s be honest here, you do), just select it after you’ve selected your ticket type. It’s only £11, so why not? That’s the price of 3 coffees. If you need a look at the size chart, look here (but order the T-Shirt when you buy the ticket, not through this link)

And last but not least, have you signed up to be a GM at Conpulsion 2019? Well if you have, congratulations, we love you! Have a free T-Shirt! Just buy a ticket as normal but send your T-Shirt size to conpulsion BEFORE MARCH 4TH so that we can guarantee that we’ll have your size. And if you haven’t signed up to be a GM, why not? You’ll get a free shirt out of it, just go here: