Greetings Grand Adventurers,
First of all, thanks to all of you who came to the Introductory One-Shots, it’s the biggest turnout we’ve had in quite a while, and we hope you had a good time. Now onto business!
Our campaigns will be starting this week, and I’m here to make sure you understand how we operate. Games will be pitched as follows:
- Wednesday Evening games will start on the 20th of September, and run from 18:30-23:00 in the Teviot Lounge, from which we will have to spread out to find spaces around Teviot, because the only room EUSA has been willing to give us is the Pleasance Cheviot Room, which fits maybe 2 games.
- Sunday Afternoon games will start on the 24th of September and run from 12:30-17:00 in the Teviot Study.
- Sunday Evening games will similarly start on the 24th of September, and run from 18:30-23:00 in the Teviot Study.
Every time slot is independent, so let’s say you join a game on Sunday Evening, your game will run every week in the Sunday Evening slot, you do not need to come to any of the other two, unless of course you also join a game in either of those slots. During the first pitch of each semester, new members have priority on joining games for at least half the maximum slots the GM is willing to take for that game.
Since last year, we have been using what we call Re-Pitches. Essentially at the beginning and halfway points of each semester, there will be a re-pitch session, this allows for games to continue, but also facilitates shorter campaigns by allowing some of them to end, new ones to begin, and players to move between games without them feeling awkward about leaving. This is less relevant now, since all of the games will be new for the start of the first semester, but during a re-pitch session, you can expect most games to continue, and players already in the game get priority to stay in their pre-existing group, but some can leave if they desire, and new people may join if there is space. In the case of games that end, most likely there will also be a new one looking for players, should you want to join it. This sounds complicated in writing but is easier understood in practice, trust me.
We don’t check for membership until third week of term, that way people get to see if they want to stay by the time they have to decide to get membership. You can get it only online, here, it costs 5 pounds for students and 10 for non-students for the whole year. If you REALLY can’t pay online, we will arrange something with you in person during one of the timeslots you are playing in.
Finally, remember that there is also a Pub Social on Friday the 22nd of September from 18:30 onward at The Southsider Pub, where we’ll just be having a drink and chatting about whatever random things people bring up at that particular moment. It’s all great fun and you get to meet a bunch of new people so pop on by if that sounds like your thing!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to mail us and ask at this mail or on facebook. We hope to see you there at the Start of Term Pitches!
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17