Hi everybody!
First of all I’d like to thank everyone who showed up to our first session of Wednesday games. And an extra round of applause to the wonderful folks who stepped up offering to run games!
Secondly for anyone who happens to have missed the pitching, here is a list of games that have spaces and are running every Wednesday for the next several weeks. Send us an email at geas.committee if you wish to join a game and we’ll get you set up with the appropriate GM.
"Apocalypse World" has 2 spaces – run by Craig B
"The Incident at Portland Down" (dread system) has 1 space – run by Angus
"Dungeons and Dragons" (5th ed) has 1 space – run by Elfine
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has 3 spaces – run by Craig O
"Hero Quest" (bronze age fantasy setting) has 1-2 spaces – run by Jamie
"Pathfinder" (fantasy setting) has 3 spaces – run by Elise
"Pathfinder" (less fantasy, combined with Hillfolk system) has 1-2 spaces – run by Tom
As I said, just send us an email with your name, which game you would like to join and we’ll get you set up with said GM who can tell you where they intend to meet (the joy of our "consistent" room bookings…).
I hope you have a lovely time and if you have any problems give us a shout, either in person, at the committee mail, or to myself at geas.welfare or the tumblr page where you can post anonymously (geaswelfare.tumblr.com).
Remember, happiness is mandatory~!
Faye Sutherland
– Geas Welfare Officer 2017-2018