Greetings Grand Adventurers,
As per your suggestions from semester 1, we have finally managed to book a room where we can hold a GM workshop, yaaay! It’s quite a while from now, but our trial run will be happening on the 2nd of March in the Balcony Room, Teviot starting from 19:00. This is more of an informal event, where we’re looking to offer prospective, new and experienced GMs an opportunity to gather and have a drink, discuss various questions they might have, share tips and tricks, etc.
Since this is the first time we are organising such an event, we would like to gauge interest and would appreciate replies from any people interested, especially those who would consider themselves experienced GMs and could be interested in showing up to perhaps help the others. Provided the event itself goes well and there is continued interest, we would be more than happy to (try and) provide the space to make this a recurring, perhaps monthly event.
We hope to hear from you soon and hope that you are enjoying your games!
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Events Coordinator 2018-19