Our glorious AGM has occurred.
The main event is of course, the election of the new committee, but first some administrative votes were held.
- Conpulsion and Nationals elections deferred to an EGM after their respective events.
Creation of a new, advisory Comittee position of legacy committee advisor – an ex committee member to assist the new committee with the process of being a committee and navigating EUSAs rules.
The existing advisory roles of webmaster and wellbeing officer affirmed as continuing
New Committee Elections
President: Emily Booth
Secretary: Logan Anderson
Treasurer: Angus Barr
Socials: Jason Ebblewhite
Webmaster: Alan Jackson
Legacy Advisor: Judith Spaargaren
Wellbeing officer: Vivek Santayana
- The EGM date will be announced once we have a venue booked. It will be after the nationals, which are in mid April.