Greetings Grand Adventurers!
I have some dates to remind you of, and a couple of exciting announcements!
To start off, we’ve reached repitch times! This is a chance for GMs to pitch six week campaigns to run from next week until Christmas. GMs can continue their games, or pitch new ones, and players can choose to move to new games if they want. Repitches will be taking place on the 6th of November at 18:00, and the 10th of November at 13:00 and at 18:00. All repitches will be taking place in the Debating Hall in Teviot.
We will be holding an EGM the 24th of November to discuss potential changes to the constitution. We encourage all our members to come along, as EGMs are a good opportunity to raise any concerns you have with any part of the society, and to ensure you have a say in how the society is run. The EGM will occur at 5pm in the Debating Hall in Teviot, and we aim to wrap it up in time for evening games.
I also want to remind you that you can still sign up for student nationals! The deadline date has been extended to the 17th of November, so if you want to come along and represent GEAS in what will be a fun weekend of roleplaying in Sheffield, please email us with your three top choices for games (we’ve attached the list to this email) by the 17th.
And finally, an exciting discount announcement! You can now get 10% off all items from Traveller’s Path! Traveller’s Path sell high quality battle mats in a range of sizes, markers and erasers for said mats, AND DICE!! You can order their products from – just type in the GEAS motto with no caps or spaces (this can be found in the bottom right corner of your membership card) and you’ll receive 10% off your entire order!
For glory and GEAS!
Emily Booth
President 2019-20