Semester Two Pitch Dates

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the new decade, I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holiday season. This email is primarily to let you all know about the game pitches and when they will be taking place. They will be on Wednesday the 22nd and Sunday the 26th of January, We will be in the Dining Room for the Sunday pitches, but due to the predictably poor room bookings from EUSA we unfortunately do not yet have a room booked for the Wednesday pitches. Furthermore repitches this year will be five weeks after our first pitches (26th of February and the 1st of March) breaking the semester up into two 5-week blocks for games. We will be sending out an email as soon as we can find a room for the Wednesday pitches, so please keep an eye out for that.

Also, for those interested in shaping the future of our society our AGM will be taking place on the 15th of March between the Sunday afternoon and evening games. At this AGM we will be voting in the new committee and voting on any other proposed changes to the society. This date is currently provisional, but we will be confirming it closer to the date and reminding you all at repitches.

Now, next up we have our new anti-harassment policy and complaints procedure put up on our website at the following links:

Lastly, Conpulsion is fast approaching! If you would like to be involved and help make things run smoothly then please volunteer to be a blue shirt. You’ll get a free blue shirt, admission to the event, and it will be a great piece of experience to put on your CV! The link to sign up is below:

I hope to see you all at pitches, and may your games this semester be full of fun and adventure!

For the Glory of GEAS,
Logan C. Anderson