AGM: Motions and Nominations

Greetings Adventurers,

It’s that time of year again and time for our Annual General Meeting. During the AGM we’ll be electing committee members for the upcoming year and voting on motions submitted by the society members. It’ll be taking place on:

  • 7th of March at 5pm

Due to current restrictions, we’ll be holding the AGM online again this year. However, we’ve decided to go ahead with a live meeting that will be hosted on Zoom, allowing committee nominees to directly address the members and for the discussion of motions.

It’s important to know that only matriculated students who have bought membership at least 24 hours before the meeting can vote, members who aren’t currently enrolled at the University of Edinburgh unfortunately aren’t.

However, any member is welcome to speak at the AGM, as well as submit motions for consideration. All motions must be sent to me before 5pm on Sunday 28th of February, at this address. If you’d like to raise a motion at the AGM, a guide has been put together on how to do so here:

All committee positions will be up for election at the AGM. While most positions are only open to UoE student members; advisory roles are open to all members regardless of student status. A full list can be found below:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Events Organiser
  • Socials Coordinator
  • Conpulsion Liaison
  • Webmaster (Advisory)
  • Equality and Wellbeing Officer (Advisory)
  • Social Media Manager (Advisory)
  • Legacy Advisor (Advisory)

The committee is also currently running a review of our harassment, game safety, and complaints policies. It’s important to us to know what you think of our current policies and how they’re enacted. To take part in this review, please complete the survey at the link below:

We’ll be back in contact closer to the AGM with links and passwords for the Zoom meeting. If you have any questions about the positions or how the AGM will be run, please send us an email at:


May the odds be ever in your favour,

Sophie Hine
GEAS Secretary