In the grim darkness of the post-apocalypse, there is still GEAS. We resume Wednesdays on the 16th of January and Sundays on the 20th of January.
Our regular meetings will be in the Cheviot Room at Pleasance from 6pm-10pm on Wednesdays, and in the Study in Teviot from 1pm-5pm then 6pm-10pm on Sundays. The last Wednesday session will be on the 3rd of April and the last Sunday on the 7th of April
Worthy of note, however, is that Propulsion, our 24-hour marathon gaming session for charity, will be running from 8pm to (drumroll) 8pm, so there will be no regular Sunday gaming on the 3rd.
Other deviations from the norm as follows:
Sunday 10th February – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot for the afternoon session.
Sunday 3rd March – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot for the afternoon session.
Wednesday 6th March – There will be no session on the 6th.
Sunday 17th March – There will be no session on the 17th.
Sunday 31st March – There will be no session on the 31st.
Additionally, Conpulsion – Scotland’s premier gaming convention – will be running from the 12th to the 14th of April. Attendance is conpulsary (rimshot). Guests, booking information, and more can all be found on the website –
More details on Propulsion and Conpulsion will follow in due course.