Dear Grand Adventurers,
As per a previous email, we will be electing our office-bearers for next year via on-line ballot. This is a reminder for any of you considering running for a Committee position to nominate yourself by 5 pm tomorrow (Sunday 22 March). You can do so via email by sending us a brief statement on why you wish to run for a Committee position.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to get involved with the running of the Society and to have a chance to shape the events that we run. If you are running for more than one position, please provide a separate statement for each post. Otherwise, we will use the same statement for both elections. Once we have all the nominations together, we will send out the election statements to our memberships and open the ballot.
We on the Geas Committee recognise that our Society is growing increasingly diverse, and we believe this to be a great strength. We want the leadership of the Society to better reflect the community that it serves. This is why we especially invite women, non-binary and gender non-conforming folx, BAME folx, LGBTQ+ folx, and/or people identifying as D/disabled to consider putting themselves forward for a Committee position, as we believe your experiences and insights would be invaluable in directing which way the Society goes and making it more inclusive for all members.
Note: You must be a matriculated student during the forthcoming academic year in order to be elected for the core Committee positions (i.e. the ones that are not advisory positions). In contrast, you do not need to be a student to hold an advisory position.
Best wishes,
Vivek Santayana
Equality and Wellbeing Officer