Reducing Membership Fees, On-Line Ballot

Greetings Adventurers!

(Link to on-line ballot on reducing membership fees:

As you are already aware, Geas is going to be moving on-line for semester 1 in the forthcoming academic year. We understand that this will significantly affect our members’ experience of the society. Considering we won’t have any venues for the first semester, we felt it would be fair for our members if we reduced the membership fees for the forthcoming year.

For the 2020-21 academic year, we are proposing to reduce the membership fees for both student and non-student members to the following:

Full year: £1.50
Semester 1: £0
Semester 2: £1.50.

Because our membership fees are set in the Geas Constitution, we will require the proposal to be ratified by a two-thirds majority at a General Meeting. As most of our members are away during the summer, we are conducting this via an on-line ballot as we did for our AGM a few months ago. All paid student members for the 2019-20 academic year (i.e. any student who was a paid member last year) will be able to vote in the ballot. We regret that, owing to EUSA’s regulations, non-student members will not be able to vote in this ballot.

The ballot will be conducted using the University of Edinburgh’s Office365 portal, and you will be able to log in via your University email account. You can access the ballot at the following link:

The deadline for votes to be cast is 5 pm on 24 August 2020, to comply with the requirement to give two weeks’ notice for an EGM.

As membership dues might be subject to change, we request all members to hold off on buying their membership for the forthcoming year until September. If you have any questions or have any difficulties accessing the ballot, please feel free to get in touch with us.

We appreciate your time and support in helping us run the Society. We look forward to seeing you all (virtually) in the new semester!

We hope you are all well and looking after yourselves and your loved ones.

For Geas, and for Glory,
The Geas Committee