Repitches this week!

Hello there, Adventurers!
This is a reminder that reptiches are this week, on Wednesday 3rd November at 6pm and Sunday 7th November at 1pm and 6pm. This is an opportunity for players to change game and for new games to be pitched.

Reptiches will be run in the same way as pitches were, with GMs pitching their game in the voice channel and then players being allowed to sign up. We’ll be letting returning players have the first choice, followed by those who don’t have a game or are changing game.

All GMs that are continuing their games are required to let us know and to repitch their game. This is to allow players a chance to change game if they want to, especially if they don’t feel comfortable telling their current GM that they want to drop out. As usual, the deadline for submissions will be 24 hours before the game is due to be pitched.

You can submit new and returning games here:

If you have any questions, please reach out to the committee on Discord or at: geas.committee

Keep on rolling!
Sophie Hine
GEAS Secretary