Greetings Grand Adventurers,
As those of you that rolled at least 2 successes on your perception+alertness rolls will have noticed we have not been given rooms for a lot of the evening sessions in March.
We have attempted to address this as best as possible as follows.
8th March: Dining Room, Teviot from 1930-2300 (This is a later start than normal, we apologise for this)
22nd March: Ochil, Pleasance from 1830-2200. There is also NO booking of the Middle Reading Room this week.
29th March: Ochil Pleasnace from 1830-2200
These last two will not have capacity for all our games. If you could speak to myself sometime before these sessions so I can establish who will be gaming in Ochil and who is happy/capable of gaming at an extra-society location.
Sunday afternoons will continue to be in the Teviot Study, and Wednesday Evenings in the Pleasance (lomond & others)
Also be aware that we have an AGM on the 8th March, this will be in the Study immediately after the afternoon session finishes at 1715.