Rooms! We have them! Except on 26th February. Mumble grumble something about lawyers. We are, however, booked over exam season and the Easter holidays. Just in case.
Every Wednesday except 26th February – Cheviot Room, Pleasance
First Wednesday is 15th January, last is 21st May.
Sundays are, alas, a little more complex. Including a couple of venue-swapping days. We’ll be endeavouring to solve that last part if we can.
January – all Sunday sessions in January are in the Study, Teviot. The first session is 19th January.
February – all sessions on the 16th and the afternoon of the 9th are in the Study, Teviot. All sessions on the 2nd & 23rd and the evening of the 9th are in the Cheviot Room, Pleasance.
March – all sessions on the 16th & 30th, the evening of the 2nd, and the afternoon of the 23rd are in the Study, Teviot. All sessions on the 9th, the afternoon of the 2nd, and the evening of the 23rd are in the Cheviot Room, Pleasance.
April & May – all sessions are in the Study, Teviot. Note: there is no GEAS on Sunday 27th April. There is, however, Conpulsion. You should be there. It is fun.