The day has arrived! Tickets to Conpulsion 2019 are finally here! Rejoice! Buy! Rejoice some more!
But wait! It gets better! Sign up now and you’ll get your tickets at Early Bird prices: that’s a whole £5 off what was already a ludicrously cheap ticket! That means it’s only £10 for the whole weekend and a measley £5 for a single day ticket. So if you’re reading this, what are you waiting for! The Early Bird deal only lasts till March 4th, so go and buy your tickets here now:
What’s that about T-Shirts? Why, don’t you know? The Conpulsion T-Shirt is a tradition that has gone back generations (note: ‘generations’ is not meant to imply generations of humans), they’re both collectors’ items and stylish apparel. This year the T-Shirts are emblazoned with the mighty Death Griffin, the winner of last year’s logo competition (an event so popular it’s happening again this year and you should totally sign up hint hint). If you want one of these majestic shirts (and let’s be honest here, you do), just select it after you’ve selected your ticket type. It’s only £11, so why not? That’s the price of 3 coffees. If you need a look at the size chart, look here (but order the T-Shirt when you buy the ticket, not through this link)
And last but not least, have you signed up to be a GM at Conpulsion 2019? Well if you have, congratulations, we love you! Have a free T-Shirt! Just buy a ticket as normal but send your T-Shirt size to conpulsion BEFORE MARCH 4TH so that we can guarantee that we’ll have your size. And if you haven’t signed up to be a GM, why not? You’ll get a free shirt out of it, just go here: