Greetings Grand Adventurers,
Remember we have a pub social at the No 1 The Grange today, at 7pm. Please come or our socials coordinator Jason will be sad.
Kind Regards,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
Remember we have a pub social at the No 1 The Grange today, at 7pm. Please come or our socials coordinator Jason will be sad.
Kind Regards,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
This year’s AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be taking place on Sunday the 25th of March in the Lomond Room, Pleasance, between the Afternoon and Evening games, so aproximately 17:30-18:30. We will be discussing the constitution changes that need to be implemented in order to conform with the new EUSA regulations, as well as electing next year’s committee. Should you wish to bring something up during the AGM, it would be great if you notified the committee in advance. Votes by proxy will be allowed, but only for those who have directly notified the committee of their chosen proxy at least 24 hours in advance.
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
After an extensive search for pubs that meet our specific needs, we have decided to return to No 1 The Grange for our Pub Social, which will take place next Friday, the 16th of March, at 7pm.
The food is relatively expensive, so I would advise that if you are trying to save money you should eat before you arrive, but besides that we would love for you to come along and get drunk with us, and revel in the beauty of roleplaying!
If you do not know how to get to the pub please click on the hyperlink which should give you decent directions. If you cannot read a map please find someone who can do this for you.
-Jason (Socials and Events Coordinator)
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Virus-free. |
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
This year’s AGM will be taking place on Sunday the 25th of March in the Lomond Room, Pleasance, between the Afternoon and Evening games, so aproximately 17:30-18:30. We will be discussing the constitution changes that need to be implemented in order to conform with the new EUSA regulations, as well as electing next year’s committee. Should you wish to bring something up during the AGM, it would be great if you notified the committee in advance. Votes by proxy will be allowed, but only for those who have directly notified the committee of their chosen proxy at least 24 hours in advance.
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
Sorry for the mails in quick succession. The weather has recently become quite foul and everyone is having some trouble or another dealing with the issues this is causing, consequently we have decided to postpone the Sunday re-pitches.
We will still try, and hopefully succeed, in holding the Sunday games as usual, but given the fact that many people might have a hard time getting here, or that University venues might continue to be closed, we have decided to hold the Sunday re-pitches next week instead. Wednesday re-pitches will hopefully go ahead unchanged. The new schedule for re-pitches is as follows:
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
Due partly to storage constraints GEAS is holding an Auction of parts of their Library! This is not a GEAS members only event, if you want to come, and you can make it, then come, and tell anyone you know might be interested as well. Remote bidding will not be allowed although if you can find a friend to proxy for you on a lot then feel free to send them along.
This will be taking place 2:30pm on the 31st of March 2018 at Red Dice Games.
We’d like to thank the wonderful people at Red Dice games for allowing us to steal their venue for the auction (and allowing us to introduce you to an amazing online shop and a sensational gaming space). They are at 125/2b Great Junction Street (EH6 5JB), go in through Spilt Milk Social Club and you turn right then go down the stairs and follow the signs. (We are sorry that this venue is not disabled accessible).
Some 400+ items will be auctioned in 80+ lots, these are all ex-library items and are sold and bought as is. The lots are sets of systems or backgrounds or both. Some items are even signed. Provisionally the lots are as follows, this will be updated as they are prepared and put into bags. We can’t guarantee auction order and some will have reserve prices, we are hoping to be quick. It will start at 2:30pm promptly and unfortunately will have to be cash only.
Here is a link to the lots that are to be auctioned.
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu & Matthew Barrowcliffe
Secretary Librarian
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
Hello everyone, as some of you may know, it will soon be time for re-pitches. For those that might be new, Re-Pitches happen at the start and (roughly) middle of each semester, and serve as points when GMs can advertise new or ongoing games, and players can continue/switch games, or join a new one. People who are in an ongoing game can simply stay in it, and those that are new to the society get priority in choosing their game. A more detailed explanation will take place on the day.
Let’s get straight into it, the re-pitch dates and locations are as follows:
In other news, we have our favorite room, the Study, Teviot booked for the Evening Games on Sunday the 25th of February.On the other hand, we don’t have anything booked for the 28th of February Wednesday Games, so people will unfortunately have to find spaces in Pleasance/Teviot.
Additionally, don’t forget that GEAS is hosting Conpulsion between the 13th-15th of April. If you just want to have fun, check the schedule, buy a ticket and show up on the day for board games, roleplaying, auctions, talks, panels, fire-sales and many more entertaining activities. You can also volunteer to help us run as a blueshirt here, you get free entry, a neat shirt and are free to enjoy the con as any other visitor when you are not on shift. For those of you who are interested in GMing, you can also sign up here.
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
Reminder that re-pitches will be taking place:
If you want more details please refer to the previous post which can be seen here. Otherwise there’s not much to say for now, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to mail us.
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Greetings Grand Adventurers,
My apologies for taking so long, I should have probably sent this mail much earlier, but it’s too late for that now, so let’s just move on to the important parts.
For those of you who might be new, re-pitches are when new games start, and the ongoing ones get re-pitched. Usually there is a decent blend of new and ongoing games, and you can join either as long as there is space, after you hear the pitch and see what you are interested in. Of course if you are continuing to play in a game, you have priority to staying in it, but you can also use this as an opportunity leave your game, whatever your reasons may be. People who are new to GEAS get first pick of the games, so that they have an easier time starting with something they think they would enjoy, and not having to worry as much about available spaces.
Re-Pitches will be taking place:
Now, before you start a lynch mob, let me try and explain. Teviot is slowly entering it’s own refurbishment process, and while it is still going to be open for this semester, my understanding is that it will be closed completely starting next academic year. While Pleasance has not been the best in the past, during its refurbishment, much work has been done to make it more accessible and usable. The room we have been given is not bad, and we at least have it booked VERY consistently, so if people can get used to the new environment it might be for the best, because as previously mentioned, Teviot will no longer be an option soon. The food there has also improved since the renovations, and you can easily take it away to the Lomond Room. For now we will have to go ahead with what we have and see how it goes, should the conditions be unsatisfactory, we will try to find the best alternative, but let’s at least give it a shot.
That’s going to be it for now. I will be sending another mail closer to the starting date, but should you have any questions or complaints, please don’t hesitate to mail us, we will try our best to help.
For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-18
Hello Friends,
I am here to inform you of the wonderful Pub Social occurring at 7.00pm on Friday the 15th of December (That’s this Friday) in the Southsider (link to location below)!
I know many of you may have exams but I urge you to come along if you can spare the time, as it may be the last time you see your fellow roleplayers – in this year, hopefully.
All the best, and if I don’t see you, have good holidays people