
The ‘Library‘ link will now lead you to a place where you can download our library catalogue. Yay, I fixed it!

(GEAS President)

Games Starting Sunday 20th

Hello everyone, just a little update telling you some of the games we have on offer. These will be updated each week with the number of spaces left. Also if you have a request send an email ( or leave a comment and we’ll see what we can do about it!

Remember on Sundays we’re in Teviot Mezzanine, and on Wednesdays we’re in the Pleasance – meet at the bar to find GMs/rooms.

Wednesday 1-5
-(7th Oct): Celtic Legends or Feng Shui or BESM (anime game: any genre or setting depending on players) or World’s Simplest RPG system

Wednesdays 6-10
-Nautical Campaign D&D 3.5
-Dark Future (sci-fi)

Sundays 1-5
-(3rd October): systemless superheroes and supervillains game.

-Space 1889
-The Compassionate and the Merciful (Homebrew Fantasy)
-Orpheus, ghost stories for ghosts (probably best for experienced RPers due to the slightly complex system)
-D&D 2nd edition
-Star Trek
-D&D 4th edition
-Refractions (creepy)

Sundays 6-10
-Dark Future
-Deleted (espionage thriller)
-Mouseguard: Tiny Heros
-Torchwood 1923. Steampunk madness
-4th Edition D&D

See you on Sunday,
(GEAS President)

Fresher’s Week Continued

Thanks to everyone who came yesterday, and an extra special thanks to Sam for organising it all. Everyone had a great time, I think, and it was cool to see so many new faces. Don’t forget, we’ve got games running on Sunday at Teviot, with the first session running from 1-5 and the second from 6-10. Come along and give something a try!

Fresher’s Week

Fresher’s Week begins on Monday 14th September, and we have a few events going on for anyone who is interested:

On Wednesday 16th there is a social event at the Meadows Bar, beginning at 7:30. Activities will include ‘light hearted frivolity’, various games, biscuit making, and most likely drinking.

On Sunday 20th there will be the usual ‘Introduction to Roleplaying’ taking place at Teviot. There will be two sessions, one from 1-5 and the other from 6-10.

We’re also running a stall at the Fresher’s Fair, which takes place on Wednesday and Thurdsday.

New GEAS website

As promised, we finally have a new GEAS website up.

GEAS (Grand Edinburgh Adventurers Society) is Edinburgh Universities roleplaying society.

We are on summer break at the moment, but more details will be forthcoming before next term.