Hi all, Unfortunately, it seems that my brochure attachments failed in the original nationals email so please use the links below to access them.

Here are the easy-read and plaintext versions of the 2020 Nationals brochure.

The full version is available here:


Again, if you are interested in attending please send your name, your accessibility requirements (should you need them), and your 3 category preferences from most to least preferred.

Apologies for the spam of emails.

For the Glory of GEAS!
Robyn Higgins
Events 2019-2020

Student Nationals and Crusader Call of Cthulhu Update

Greetings Grand Adventurers!

(In this email: Student Nationals sign ups, HCA’s Crusader States Call of Cthulhu Project)

Student Nationals

The sign up for student nationals is upon us so I am sending out this email to get numbers and sign ups for those interested in coming.

Student Nationals is a national roleplaying competition, where societies and independents from across the UK come together to game, socialise and compete. Although we are not entirely sure how the competition aspect is graded, we do know that it’s great fun and allows you to meet new people and try out new games. Gaming takes place over two days, you will be placed into a category and you will play 2 games in this category, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Apart from gaming there will also be social events such as quizzes and dances etc.

You can sign up to be either a GM or a player at nationals so whichever role you prefer there is a space for you on our team.

Nationals will take place this year at Sheffield University from the 24th of April – 26th of April. We will be going down on the 24th and returning on the 27th.

As Nationals is considerably further away this year than last year, it will be mores costly, therefore please only put yourself down at sign up if you are able to make it. I anticipate that the total cost of accommodation and travel will be between £200-£250 each although I cannot be exact until I have received sign up. The organisation of the payments will be arranged once we have our team signed up and transport is available for booking. I should imagine that the cost of the hotel and the transport will be paid at different times. The sign up fee which will need to be paid ASAP is £25 each.

If you would like to sign up to be on the team this year please have a look at the attached brochures. I have included the accessible versions for those that need them.

If you decide to enter please reply to this email with your name, your 3 category choices numbered 1-3 from most to least preferred, whether or not you’d like to participate in a miniature speed painting contest & any accessibility requirements. Please note the miniature contest has an extra fee.
If you would like to GM please reply with your name and state your interest so I can forward you the GM signup information once released.

The deadline for sign up is November 3rd. I will be sending off the signup sheet on this date and collecting the sign up fee of £25 from those who have entered. after the team has been finalised I will arrange a meeting to discuss transport and accommodation.

Crusader States Call of Cthulhu Update

We also have a quick update regarding the project we mentioned earlier about the School of History, Classics and Archaeology developing a new Call of Cthulhu expansion based on the Crusader States. We got in touch with Gianluca Raccagni with a number of queries from our members who are not in the stipulated schools involved in the project (LLC, HCA, ECA) who are interested in contributing.

Based on the feedback, we will welcome any student and/or alumnus of the university to be involved with the research, writing, editing and graphic design of the project. However, priority will be given to current students in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. For now, anyone is welcome to come along to the introductory meeting. Please feel free to attend the introductory meeting on 23 October, or email Gianluca at Gianluca.Raccagni if you can’t make it but would still like to be involved.

The following is an EventBrite link to the first meeting:

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me via the email, the discord or facebook.

For the Glory of Geas!
Robyn Higgins
Events 2019-2020

IMPORTANT: Memberships

Greetings Grand Adventurers!
As we are in week 5 of the semester, we are going to ask that everyone playing in games with us ensure they have membership to the society. As of this week we are going to be checking memberships during games, and we are going to have to insist anyone playing in geas games is a paid member if they wish to continue in their game. We ask that if you have paid your membership, you bring your membership card to the sessions as proof.

Membership costs £3 for the whole year and £1.50 for a single semester. Having a GEAS membership also gives you discounts in Games Hub, Tempo Tea Bar, Black Lion Games and Murphy’s Vault. You can purchase your membership here: https://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/activities/societies/society/httpwwwgeasorg/.

If you are having trouble paying for your membership, please tell a committee member as soon as possible so we can help.

Thank you to everyone who has paid their membership. It is important we have our membership numbers in writing as proof of the size of our society, as larger societies are given priority for booking larger rooms and are less likely to be moved to different rooms.

For the glory of GEAS!
Emily Booth
President 2019/20

Room Bookings for 13/10 UPDATED!


I am sorry to say that despite written confirmation on our end (with further written confirmation given this wednesday), EUSA has changed our room bookings to the back half of Amphion and the Lounge for today.

Please ensure that other players in your games are aware of this, and once again we are sorry that our room bookings have been changed yet again.

For Glory and GEAS,
Society Secretary
Logan C. Anderson

Call of Cthulhu: the Crusader States Project

Dear Grand Adventurers,

We have some news about an exciting opportunity for our members! GEAS is collaborating with the History and Games Studies Network at the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology to help them run a new project.

The History and Games Studies Network is creating a new setting for Call of Cthulhu based on the Crusader States. This would build on the forthcoming Medieval Cthulhu expansion by James Holloway, which would enable Keepers and players to run scenarios set in and around the middle east during the medieval period. The purpose of this project is to give students studying a variety of different subjects at the University experience in creating a supplement book for a role-playing game. Participants will be involved in every stage of the writing process, including research, planning, writing, graphic design, and editing (and, at a later stage, play-testing).

This project is set in the Crusaders States (which covered the coast from Turkey to Egypt, as well as the Upper Mesopotamia) between 1100 and 1300, which was an incredibly rich meeting point of cultures and cultural legacies. The proposed supplement will present a more nuanced and complex history of the crusading period than the simplistic ‘clash of civilisations’ narrative found in most other RPGs.

If you are a student in the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology; Literatures, Languages, and Cultures; or the Edinburgh College of Art, and have any interest or experience in the above, please get in touch with us. There is an initial meeting with Gianluca Raccagni, the lecturer in History leading this project, on 23 October in G16 in the William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Place, from 2.30 to 4 pm. Please come along to this meeting if you are interested. If you are unable to make this meeting but would still like to be involved, please email Gianluca at Gianluca.Raccagni.

Please note that because of the conditions of the funding for this project, only students enrolled at the university will be eligible for the research, writing, editing and illustration of the source book. However, if you are not a student, you can still be involved as a play tester. We are planning on running special events at GEAS for this. There may also be future events and discussions in the development of this project. We will be in touch if we have any further updates on this and any new opportunities, especially ways in which many of our members who have a wealth of experience in the field of game design can be involved.

We hope you are all as excited about this project as we are!

In our house in Teviot GEAS waits gloriously,
Robyn and Vivek

Spooky Halloween One Shot Event

Greetings Grand Adventurers!

This year we will be hosting a spooky one shot event in support of Maggies centres.
We will be implementing the charity re roll system so bring your change and your best dice along.
The event will take place on Saturday October 26th at Teviot in the New Amphion from 6:30-11.

To get in as a player you will be required to bring your own bag of sweets to share at your table.

If you are interested in GMing at this event please contact me via the Geas email so we can gauge game numbers. You do not need to have a campaign description just show your interest.

We will also be debuting the first of our limited edition Griffie the Griffin stickers commissioned by GEAS artists, with the proceeds going to charity.
The Halloween Griffie was designed by our very own Angus Barker and will be available for purchase at the event.

Hope you see many of you there!

For the Glory of Geas!
Robyn Higgins
Events 2019-2020

GM Basics Workshop

Greetings Grand Adventurers!

It is finally time for the first of our revamped Gaming workshops!

This month’s workshop will be coving the basics of running a game, how to prepare for a session and other useful tips for GM’s both old and new.
We will have a panel of 4 amazing GMs who will be discussing their experiences running games and answering any questions you may have about organising sessions.
The panel will be approximately 60-90 mins followed by a social period.

The Workshop will take place this Saturday (12th October) 3pm-7pm in the Study at Teviot.

I hope to see many of you there!

For the Glory of GEAS!
Robyn Higgins
Events 2019-2020

Revised Room Bookings for Today


For those going to either of our Sunday games today, I would like to inform you all that EUSA has changed our room bookings again. For the afternoon (1-5), we will be in the Study which is the side room at the back of the Amphion. For the Evening, we will be in the Dining Room. Our room booking for today is officially listed as starting at 6:45 and continuing on to 11pm, but we will be trying to make sure our room booking is available at the usual time. I would like to reiterate that this is due to EUSA changing our room bookings and double booking our other rooms, and I am sending this out as soon as I can after finding out myself only about 15 minutes ago.

For Glory, and GEAS.
Society Secretary,
Logan C. Anderson

Room Booking for tonight’s evening game.

Hello everyone!

I am sorry to say that we have lost our room booking at the dining room today, we have instead been moved to the New Amphion. Hopefully this will not cause any issues with games, we realise it is very short notice however we were told by EUSA about the room booking only a few minutes ago.

Your Secretary,
Logan C. Anderson

Room Bookings, Discord and a New Facebook Group!


p dir=”ltr”>Hello adventurers and storytellers!


p dir=”ltr”>With our first week of sessions and pitches over, I’m sending this email to let you all know about our room bookings for this semester, a couple of details about pitches as a whole including a reminder that some of our games may have free spaces, an explanation about our cool new membership cards (and how to get them!), and about our discord and our new facebook group for one shorts and outside games.


p dir=”ltr”>Firstly is the matter of pitches, our pitches this week were more popular than any of us have seen before which is great! Unfortunately because of this we have had some problems with not having enough GMs and we have also had issues in some cases with not having enough players for some games on Sunday afternoon. We recognise that this is an issue, and it is a shame this has been the case. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything we can do to alleviate these issues but we would like to thank members for their patience regarding this. I would also like to remind all our members that may not be aware that we have three separate sessions for games running weekly. On Wednesdays, 6-10pm; Sundays, 1-5pm; and Sundays 6-10pm.


p dir=”ltr”>For those of you unable to find a game on one of these days it might be worth contacting us about whether there are free spaces in games at the other times. Secondly, we would like to remind our members that the pitches we facilitate are for GEAS games only. The society cannot oversee any external games, nor can we provide support for them. Thus, please refrain from advertising any games that do not take place in the session you are in.


p dir=”ltr”>Next are our membership cards! These allow you to get 10% of any purchase of roleplaying books at Black Lion Games on Buccleuch Street. To get one, simply purchase a membership with the society on the EUSA website. (A link to the exact page can be found at the base of this email.) Membership is £3 for the year and £1.50 for the semester. Next week at each of our sessions there will be a table with committee members on it ready to hand out membership cards once you’ve paid. Simply give them your name, they’ll check the membership list, and give you your card.


p dir=”ltr”>For those of you still looking for games or hoping to run a one-shot event I would like to inform you of our Discord group and our new Facebook group! The discord is for members of the society to socialise and advertise outside games and oneshots in. The new facebook group is specifically for the advertising of oneshots and non-GEAS games.


p dir=”ltr”>Lastly, our room bookings for this semester are as follows:


p dir=”ltr”>For the rooms that list ‘nothing’ we have unfortunately not yet been given a room booking. For this we would like to apologise. We will be contacting EUSA to try to find any cancellations and if we secure a room then an email will be sent out at the first possible opportunity to let you know. Unfortunately as this is not a guarantee we would like to recommend that GMs get contact details from their players to coordinate a meeting place on these dates.


p dir=”ltr”>Links:


p dir=”ltr”>EUSA membership page: https://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/activities/societies/society/httpwwwgeasorg/


p dir=”ltr”>Discord group:


p dir=”ltr”>Https://discord.gg/9QCrnK6


p dir=”ltr”>Facebook group:


p dir=”ltr”>https://www.facebook.com/groups/638981149843105/


p dir=”ltr”>For GEAS and glory for all!


p dir=”ltr”>Your Secretary


p dir=”ltr”>Logan C. Anderson