Fall gaming 2010

Hello Grand Adventurers.

I hope that everyone has had a great summer but now, it’s time to get back to the serious life of escapist gaming. Here are the times and places for everything we know so far. This page should be updated when more info arrive.

As usual, our meetings are Wednesdays, 6 pm to 10 pm in the Pleasence Bar and Sundays 1pm to 5 pm and 6 pm to 10 pm in the Mezzanine in Teviot, starting 26 of September.

Other dates of importance:

Sunday September 19th: Fresher’s week’s session. Two one-off sessions in the Mezzanine, one at 1 pm to 5 pm and one at 6 pm to 10 pm. Bring pizza money.

-Jonatan Rostén, President

AGM Results

Hello there, just to fill you in with the names of our lovely new committee, and a huge thanks to Aspen, Keith, Gwen, Alan and Andy for their work for GEAS this year.

President: Jonatan Rosten

Secretary: Adam Brady

Treasurer: Stewart Petrie

Conpulsion Organiser: Sandy Ryalls

Librarian: Sam MacAdam

Nationals Coordinator: Sam MacAdam

Webmaster: Alan Jackson

Hope everyone has a good (as possible) exam period, and this’ll be the last website post from me!

Sam (Ex GEAS President!)


Hello there,

Don’t forget that we still exist! We have new players who are looking for games (so let me know what games need players, there must be some!), we’re after provisional numbers for laserquest (to see if it’s worth looking into further), and we’d love you to use our FREE AMAZING LIBRARY.

Come to GEAS (scroll down for meeting places, Wednesdays and Sundays (1-5 and 6-10)), reply to the above lovely opportunities, bring us cake, email us with your Edinburgh roleplaying woes! We’d love to see you.

Happy gaming,

Sam (GEAS President)

Semester 2 Games

If you’d like to see your game here, drop us an email and I’ll edit this post to include yours too.

If you’d like to join any of these games, or check availability, email us and we’ll hook you up with the GM in question.

Wednesday Afternoons-

GM: Jakub. “The game is going to be a mini-campaing (about 6 sessions) with chances of continuation if players want it (and I have enough time). The campaign is inspired by and mostly follows the example of Stephen King’s “The Dark Tower” series, especially first part “Gunslinger”. PC will take part in the story closesly related to the first part of the book – chase after the evil sorcerer and several adventures connected to it.
The mechanic I use is Spellslinger d20 which connects wild west and fantasy/magic settings. With a few modifications I believe it fits pretty good to the setting. I am going to make it a low magic dark fantasy with quite a bit of shoot-outs and some choices with grim consequences to be made. I can also describe the world and mechanics in more details if needed.”

(Hopefully there’ll be more games up here super soon!)

Thankyou, Sam (GEAS President)

Semester 2!

Hello everyone, had a lovely holiday? Here’s some information for semester 2.


The meeting places are a bit squiffy  so here’s the meeting points. All dates are normal (Sunday -> Mezzanine & Terrace or Wednesday -> Lomond, Executive, & Monroe) except these:

Jan 17 -> Mezzanine only

Jan 20 -> Meadow’s BarJan

24 -> Meadow’s Bar

Jan 31 -> Mezzanine only

Feb 7 -> Mezzanine only

Feb 14 -> Mezzanine only

March 10-> Meadow’s Bar

March 14 -> Mezzanine only

March 26-28 -> Conpulsion

April 21-> restart after Easter vacation

May 26 -> Last GEAS of 2009-2010


If you’d like me to email out your game, or to pop them on the website email us with a brief synopsis and at what time your game is running.

Refresher’s Fair

We have the Refresher’s fairy on Tuesday 19th (9-5, Pleasance). If you are available to help (even for a short while) please can you email us (geas.committee@googlemail.com). We’re super short of help because Tuesday’s a busy day for many students, so your help will be greatly appreciated.


Finally, I’m putting out some feelers to see who would be interested in a laserquest war against Sciffy (the sci-fi and fantasy society). I’m just looking (at this point) to see if it’s worth organising, so if you are interested comment here or send us an email.

Hope to see you soon,

Sam (GEAS President)


The ‘Library‘ link will now lead you to a place where you can download our library catalogue. Yay, I fixed it!

(GEAS President)

Games Starting Sunday 20th

Hello everyone, just a little update telling you some of the games we have on offer. These will be updated each week with the number of spaces left. Also if you have a request send an email (geas.committee@gmail.com) or leave a comment and we’ll see what we can do about it!

Remember on Sundays we’re in Teviot Mezzanine, and on Wednesdays we’re in the Pleasance – meet at the bar to find GMs/rooms.

Wednesday 1-5
-(7th Oct): Celtic Legends or Feng Shui or BESM (anime game: any genre or setting depending on players) or World’s Simplest RPG system

Wednesdays 6-10
-Nautical Campaign D&D 3.5
-Dark Future (sci-fi)

Sundays 1-5
-(3rd October): systemless superheroes and supervillains game.

-Space 1889
-The Compassionate and the Merciful (Homebrew Fantasy)
-Orpheus, ghost stories for ghosts (probably best for experienced RPers due to the slightly complex system)
-D&D 2nd edition
-Star Trek
-D&D 4th edition
-Refractions (creepy)

Sundays 6-10
-Dark Future
-Deleted (espionage thriller)
-Mouseguard: Tiny Heros
-Torchwood 1923. Steampunk madness
-4th Edition D&D

See you on Sunday,
(GEAS President)

Fresher’s Week Continued

Thanks to everyone who came yesterday, and an extra special thanks to Sam for organising it all. Everyone had a great time, I think, and it was cool to see so many new faces. Don’t forget, we’ve got games running on Sunday at Teviot, with the first session running from 1-5 and the second from 6-10. Come along and give something a try!

Fresher’s Week

Fresher’s Week begins on Monday 14th September, and we have a few events going on for anyone who is interested:

On Wednesday 16th there is a social event at the Meadows Bar, beginning at 7:30. Activities will include ‘light hearted frivolity’, various games, biscuit making, and most likely drinking.

On Sunday 20th there will be the usual ‘Introduction to Roleplaying’ taking place at Teviot. There will be two sessions, one from 1-5 and the other from 6-10.

We’re also running a stall at the Fresher’s Fair, which takes place on Wednesday and Thurdsday.