GEAS End of the First Semester

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

We hope you enjoyed your games and had a fun time throughout the first semester. The first semester is nearly at an end, and as exams are closing in, so some of the games have already stopped for this year, but for those of you who are students and still playing into exam season, please make sure you have enough time to also study.

I’m here mainly with an update on the room situation, we still have the Study in the Afternoon and Evening, during our normal Sunday time-slots, on the 10th and 17th of December, after which you will have to find space on your own. As you may know, Wendesday is a bit of a mess, so we haven’t had a real room at any point during the semester. Feel free to play wherever and whenever you want, in order to spite EUSA.

That’s pretty much it, good luck with exams everyone, and in case I don’t find an excuse to mail you again, Happy Holidays, and all the best!

For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17

Nationals Final Call and Pub Social

Esteemed members of GEAS,

This is the final call for the trip to NSRWC next April, if you would like to go and haven’t already got in touch with me, this is the last chance before I start to put things together. For those that have signed up, I will be sending an email confirming that you all still want to go by tomorrow, if you do not receive this email then let me know so I can make sure you are on the list.

Moving on from Nationals, we have a Pub Social booked in the Southsider at 1900 on Friday the 15th of December. (You can turn up whenever you want but the booking will be from 7 and I will be there from 7) We’ve been having a great turnout for these past few socials, which makes me very happy, so keep doing what you’re doing.

Thank you,
Jason Ebblewhite
Socials and Events Coordinator

GEAS Nationals Sign-ups

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

This is a reminder that the deadline for signing up for nationals is Sunday the 19th of November (The end of this week). If you want to get onto the mailing list and haven’t already given me your email, send an email with the subject ‘Nationals’ to jasonebblewhite – if you are planning on GMing at Nationals please include this information.

Nationals takes place on the 6-8th of April, 2018, in Bradford. More information can be found here: It’s a really good time if you like one-shots, and if you like people, there are some people.

If you try to sign up after the 19th I will literally cry.

Godspeed, Jason Ebblewhite Socials and Events Coordinator [email above]

GEAS Games Tomorrow

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Our room bookings are slightly different tomorrow, we will be in the Debating Hall for the Afternoon games. We will be in the Study as usual for the evening.

Kind Regards,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17

GEAS Pub Social and Membership

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Just a quick reminder that there is a pub social, tonight at 19:30 in the Southsider.

Additionally, we would really appreciate it if all of you who have decided to stay after Re-Pitches got membership. It is 5 pounds for students and 10 for non-students, for the whole year and you can pay it here. We don’t really have many operating costs, but we need you to become members so we can use our numbers to hopefully get better room bookings in the second semester.

For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17

GEAS Re-Pitches Reminder

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Just a quick reminder that Re-pitches are happening today and this Sunday:

  • Wednesday the 1st of November, in the Teviot Study, at 18:45 sharp, because we only have the room for one hour in order to get the pitches organised and then have to spread around Teviot like we usually do. Sadly finding suitable rooms for Wednesdays is still impossible.
  • Sunday the 5th of November, at around 12:50, in the Teviot Study.
  • Sunday the 5th of November, at around 18:50, in the Teviot Study.

For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17

Edinburgh Horror Festival Roleplaying

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

We’ve recently received news that there will also be some roleplaying events during the Edinburgh Horror Festival on Friday and Monday afternoon. If people are interested they can find more information here. It might be fun, if you have the time, so might as well let everyone know.

Kind Regards,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17

GEAS Re-pitches, Halloween and more

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

First of all, you should all know that on Sunday the 29th, the Evening Session will be taking place in the Debating Hall, instead of the Study, roughly at the same time it usually does, everything regarding the other sessions is unchanged on that week.

Re-pitches are coming soon, and they will be taking place:

  • Sunday the 5th of November, at around 12:50, in the Teviot Study.
  • Sunday the 5th of November, at around 18:50, in the Teviot Study.
  • Wednesday the 1st of November, in the Teviot Study, at 18:45 sharp, because we only have the room for one hour in order to get the pitches organised and then have to spread around Teviot like we usually do. Sadly finding suitable rooms for Wednesdays is still impossible.

These will happen just like at the beginning of the semester, each GM will pitch their game, some might be new, some might be ongoing, returning players get priority to stay in their game, new members choose games, then everyone else gets to join the remaining slots.

Also, a reminder that our Halloween One-shots Event is coming up, on the 27th of October, in the Teviot Dining Room from 20:30-23:59. Expect spooky roleplaying, and if you want to GM, just show up and pitch your game.

Finally, at Re-pitches we will start checking for membership, we don’t really need much to keep operating, but we NEED you to register as members, so we can have some leverage in order to push EUSA for better rooms, as we are growing bigger and still receive little to no priority on Wednesday bookings. Registering is only 5 pounds for students and 10 for non-students for the whole year, so please do it here. Registration can only be done online, but we can arrange something in person for people who aren’t able to do it digitally.

For the Glory of GEAS,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17

GEAS Apology

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

I would like to apologise on behalf of the committee to all of you who showed up today and could not find your GM. There was a bit of a communication SNAFU, so for now assume Wednesday games are full until another announcement is made.

Kind Regards,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17

GEAS Wednesday Games

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Sorry for this being so short notice. We have 2 rooms in Pleasance, they aren’t the best and can maybe fit 3-4 games between them. I would suggest that everyone shows up, as last time, at 18:30 in the Teviot Lounge, so that people can find their GMs. Groups can then decide if they want to go to the Pleasance or find a table in Teviot.

Kind Regards,
Tudor Ferariu
Secretary 2015-17