EGM Minutes 19/10/14

These are the minutes of the EGM form 19th October 2014.

Greetings Grand Adventurers

The following are the minutes of the EGM on 19th Oct:

Firstly, that Ruth Gray was elected as Secretary for 2014/2015.

Secondly, that a Disciplinary Action to ban Hendrick Little from GEAS’s social Media for the academic year 2014-15 was passed.

A report was made giving a quick update on hoodies, t-shirts and dice etc. The Committee hopes to have pre-orders available in 2 weeks.

Similarly, the Committee hopes to have a finalised members list for this year in 2 weeks and thus be able to order membership cards.

Semester 1 2014/15 Rooms

Our glorious room bookings are as follows

Sunday Afternoon sessions will begin on Sunday the 21st, they will be held in the Study Teviot at 1300-1700. The only exception to this is 26th October where we will be in Pentland Room, Pleasance.

Sunday Evening sessions will begin on Sunday the 21st, they will be held in the Study, Teviot at 1830-2230. The only exceptions are on 12th October when we will be in 48a Upper, Pleasance and 26th October when we will be in Pentland Room, Pleasance.

==To help out some fellow students we have, graciously, agreed to move our Booking on the Evening of 16TH NOVEMBER to the Dining Room, Teviot.==

Wednesday Evening sessions will begin on Wednesday the 17th, they will be held in the Study, Teviot at 1705-2130. There are no exceptions to this.

We recognise the difficulty some of our members may have in regards to the Wednesday session, particularly as the Study has been booked by another society for use immediately after our booking ends. However, this was the only feasible way to make this work. We can, if need be utilise the Ampheon and I will be discussing with Theatre Soc on the first Wednesday to see if we can negotiate that position.

Fresher’s Events

Greetings Grand Adventurers,

Just wanted to post a news article with the details of our Freshers Events as, due to an oversight this info is not on the flyer. This info is also available on the GEAS calender on the website side bar.

Anyway. Firstly we have the One-Shot session s on Thursday at 1800 in the Upstairs of the Moo Bar (

Seconldy, we have a Social event on Saturday at 1900 in the Back Room of the No1 Grange Bar (

For all our regular members we will have an email regarding regular sessions on Friday at the latest but our first session will be Wednesday the 17th.

President 2014/15

EGM May 2014

The results from the EGM held are as follows. Following discussion and participation from all those attending.

Motion to affirm Propulsion as a non obligatory event and to only run if we can ensure costs are covered: Passed Unanimously.

Motion for the committee to consider creating e-books from games run at Conpulsion (with the authros approval) to be sold for profit: Passed Unanimously.

Motion for the Committee to consider offering GEAS hoodies provided sufficient pre-orders are gathered, with various designs tob e considered and for profit: Passed Unanimously.

Motion for the committee to consider creating GEAS branded dice for profit and potentially as hand-outs for freshers fair with an upper limit to any order of £25: Passed Unanimously.

Motion requiring that the Committee not recognise any pitching GMs unless they are already paid members of GEAS: Passed Unanimously.

Amendment to the Constitution rasiing GEAS membership to £5 for students and £10 for non-student or the EUSA minimum whichever is higher: Passed with 16 Yes, 2 NO and 1 Abstention.

Amendments correcting several Grammar and Spelling errors in the Constitution: Passed Unanimously.

Amendment substantially re-writing the Conpulsion section of the Constitution (as amended by debate): Passed with 15 Yes, 1 No and 1 Abstention.

Addition to Conpulsion Section adding a clause pertaining to financing: NOT passed with 3 Yes, 5 No and 11 Abstentions.

Addition to the Constitution detailing General meetings and creating a Members metting power, as altered by debate: Passed Unanimously.

Addition to the Constitution creating an Events Co-ordinator position with a portfolio to organise Nationals, Propulsion and any other events that are not the purview of the Social Sec or the Conpulsion Co-ordinator: Passed Unanimously.

Amendment to the above addition changing “These can be as and when the choose” with “These are at the committees discretion”: Passed with 14 Yes, 1 NO and 2 Abstentions.

Addition to the Constitution clarifying the Executive function of the Committee: Passed with 17 Yes, 0 No and 1 Abstention.

Amendment to Constitution replacing “These can be as and when they choose” in Section 5(c) with “These are at the committees discretion”: Passed Unanimously.

Amendments to Constitution re-naming the Social Secretary as the Socials Coordinator: Passed Unanimously.

Numerous Amendments to the Constitution renaming all Committee positions: NOT passed with 4 Yes, 10 No and 4 Abstentions.

Election held for the newly created role of Events Coordinator.

Angus McEwing proposed Sam Myers (the nomination seconded by Marlene Ason) who accepted the nomination.

Euan Reid proposed Craig Oxbrow (the nomination seconded by Alan Jackson) who accepted the nomination.

No other nominees where forthcoming. Following speeches by both parties and points made in favour of each the results where as follows.

Sam Myers: 5 Craig Oxbrow: 3 RON: 0 and 1 Abstention.

Sam Myers is dully elected tot he committee as Events Coordinator.

The Chair recognised a point of thanks from Matthew Barrowcliffe for organising the EGM and for its other functions.

AGM 2014

This year’s AGM was held on Sunday 30th March at 5:30pm in the Study, Teviot.

A motion was raised to defer the election of Nationals Coordinator until after this year’s Nationals. It passed unanimously.

All other committee positions were elected as follows.

President: Angus McEwing
Secretary: Martin Benedict
Treasurer: Erich Essmann
Webmaster: Alan Jackson
Librarian: Sam McDouall
Conpulsion Liaison: Euan Reid
Social Secretary: Marlene Ason

Spring 2014 Rooms

Rooms! We have them! Except on 26th February. Mumble grumble something about lawyers. We are, however, booked over exam season and the Easter holidays. Just in case.

Every Wednesday except 26th February – Cheviot Room, Pleasance
First Wednesday is 15th January, last is 21st May.

Sundays are, alas, a little more complex. Including a couple of venue-swapping days. We’ll be endeavouring to solve that last part if we can.
January – all Sunday sessions in January are in the Study, Teviot. The first session is 19th January.
February – all sessions on the 16th and the afternoon of the 9th are in the Study, Teviot. All sessions on the 2nd & 23rd and the evening of the 9th are in the Cheviot Room, Pleasance.
March – all sessions on the 16th & 30th, the evening of the 2nd, and the afternoon of the 23rd are in the Study, Teviot. All sessions on the 9th, the afternoon of the 2nd, and the evening of the 23rd are in the Cheviot Room, Pleasance.
April & May – all sessions are in the Study, Teviot. Note: there is no GEAS on Sunday 27th April. There is, however, Conpulsion. You should be there. It is fun.


In the ‘replace Matt’ campaign:

Marlene Ason appointed as social secretary.

Martin Benedict appointed as Conpulsion liaison.

Temporary appointments ended.

Many tidy ups to the constitution. Mostly formalities and procedures thanks to having a lawyer on the committee. New constitution will be uploaded soon.

Discussion occurred about the timing of Conpulsion. Apparently the big reveal is tomorrow…

Some long standing members of GEAS proposed and approved as life members:
Roderick Easton.
Craig Oxbrow.
Gregor Hutton.
Alan Jackson.
‘Lemon Fresh’ Phil Harris.

All motions passed unanimously.

Autumn 2013 Rooms

Autumn 2013

Wednesday evenings (6pm): The first Wednesday session is 18th September. Wednesday sessions will be in the Cheviot Room, Pleasance. There will be no session on 6th November.
Sunday afternoons (1pm): The first Sunday afternoon session is 22nd September. Sunday afternoon sessions will be in the Study, Teviot (overflowing into the New Ampheon).
Sunday evenings (6pm): The first Sunday evening session is 22nd September. Sunday evening sessions will be in the Study, Teviot (overflowing into the New Amphion).

Conpulsion Committee

The Conpulsion Comittee for next year is starting to come together…
It will probably include:

Coordinator: el-Presidente Euan Reid
RPGs: Craig Oxbrow
LARPs: Roderick Easton
Wargames: Geoff Nicholson
Board games: Sasha Mesarovich
CCGs: …
Traders & Social Media: Tara Catt
Demos & Guests: …
Staff: Sam MacAdam
Logistics: Jo Cross & Flic Anderson
Treasurer: Jamie Prentice
Webmaster: Alan ‘what was the password’ Jackson
GEAS Liaison: Matthew Knighton


In a rapid fit of meetings and organised-ness we have elected a Conpulsion Liaison and a Nationals Coordinator.

In a fit of ‘appoint the person who didn’t dodge’..

Both positions go to Matthew Knighton.