AGM 2013

Setting a record for fastest AGM in remembered GEAS history (1 minute and 48 seconds), the committee for the next year has been (mostly) determined!

President – Euan Reid
Secretary – Angus McEwing
Treasurer – Erich Essmann
Librarian – Faye Sutherland
Webmaster – Alan Jackson
Social Secretary – Matthew Knighton

Nationals Coordinator and Conpulsion Liason will be elected following this year’s rendition of said events.

Semester 2 12/13 Rooms

In the grim darkness of the post-apocalypse, there is still GEAS. We resume Wednesdays on the 16th of January and Sundays on the 20th of January.

Our regular meetings will be in the Cheviot Room at Pleasance from 6pm-10pm on Wednesdays, and in the Study in Teviot from 1pm-5pm then 6pm-10pm on Sundays. The last Wednesday session will be on the 3rd of April and the last Sunday on the 7th of April

Worthy of note, however, is that Propulsion, our 24-hour marathon gaming session for charity, will be running from 8pm to (drumroll) 8pm, so there will be no regular Sunday gaming on the 3rd.

Other deviations from the norm as follows:
Sunday 10th February – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot for the afternoon session.
Sunday 3rd March – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot for the afternoon session.
Wednesday 6th March – There will be no session on the 6th.
Sunday 17th March – There will be no session on the 17th.
Sunday 31st March – There will be no session on the 31st.

Additionally, Conpulsion – Scotland’s premier gaming convention – will be running from the 12th to the 14th of April. Attendance is conpulsary (rimshot). Guests, booking information, and more can all be found on the website –

More details on Propulsion and Conpulsion will follow in due course.

Semester 1 12/13 Rooms

Where are we? When are we? The answer to these questions and almost no others below!

Our regular meetings will be in the Cheviot Room at Pleasance from 6pm-10pm on Wednesdays, and in the Study in Teviot from 1pm-5pm then 6pm-10pm on Sundays. The last Sunday session will be on the 16th of December and the last Wednesday on the 19th of December

Deviations from this as follows:
Sunday 7th October – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot from 7:30pm-10pm. Afternoon as normal.
Sunday 14th October – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot for the afternoon session.
Wednesday 24th October – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot.
Sunday 28th October – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot for the evening session.
Wednesday 7th November – There will be no session on the 7th.
Wednesday 14th November – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot.
Wednesday 21th November – We will be in the Dining Room in Teviot.
Sunday 2nd December – There will be no session on the 2nd, but we will potentially be playing Laserquest and having a meal.
Wednesday 19th December – We will be in the Study in Teviot.

EGM Results

An EGM was held last Sunday (15th April) to elect the remainder of next year’s committee. Which means it’s minutes time!

The outgoing Conpulsion Coordinator gave a brief report on this year’s event, stating it had received good feedback all round.

Electing Committee
Webmaster: Alan Jackson
Social Secretary: Matthew Knighton
Conpulsion Liason: Phil Harris
Nationals Coordinator: Sam MacAdam

Other business
The Treasurer wished it to be raised that his timetable for next year was going to be particularly busy, and that if another student wanted to take over the position he was willing to step down. Noone wished to fully take the role, but offer was made of help handling some duties if the Treasurer found himself too busy to discharge them all.

AGM 2012

Another year, another AGM! This time round, the AGM was held on April 1st 2012. And here’s the minutes:

The new constitution was discussed, the most prominent changes were stated and debated. The point was raised that the new conpulsion committee as proposed by the new constitution would be less flexible and not possible to uphold in the event of there not being enough people to fill all posts. An amendment to allow the AGM to choose an organizer in absence of an organized committee was proposed:

If no Conpulsion committee is available at the time of the AGM, a Conpulsion organizer may be elected at the AGM with the task to produce such a committee as soon as possible.

Voting on the new constitution: Passed unanimously
Voting on the new amendment: Passed unanimously

Electing new committee
President: Malin Sandell
Treasurer: Erich Essman
Secretary: Euan Reid
Librarian: Malin Sandell

The election of Webmaster, Social Secretary and Nationals Organizer was postphoned until the EGM following Conpulsion (to be elected together with the Conpulsion organizer).

Other business
It was clarified that the secretary is in charge of dealing with EUSA in general.
Old committee was thanked and relieved of responsibility.


Hi everyone,

Conpulsion is Scotland’s Premier Gaming Convention. It’s run by a dedicated committee of people through your friendly neighbourhood GEAS and it’s happening at Easter this year.

Ticketing information will be available at our Website our Facebook pages.

GMs and Steward signups will be on the site or via our Email

Conpulsion has a long standing and successful history, always raising funds for local charities, and a we’d love you to join us in any capacity. Either purchase tickets or get involved. It’s your society’s convention. Be part of it!

Feel free to ask any questions at GEAS on Sundays or Wednesday nights or via the Facebook or society email.

GEAS Spring Bookings

These are our bookings for the spring. Wednesdays that are not in the study and Sundays that are not in the Dining room are bolded.

Wednesday Place Sunday Afternoon Evening
18/Jan Dining room 22/01/12 Dining room Dining room
25/Jan Cancelled 29/01/12 Dining room Cancelled
01/Feb Dining room 05/02/12 Billiard room Dining room
08/Feb Cancelled 12/02/12 Dining room Dining room
15/Feb Study 19/02/12 Billiard room Cancelled
22/Feb Study 26/02/12 Dining room Dining room
29/Feb Study 04/03/12 Dining room Dining room
07/Mar Study 11/03/12 Dining room Dining room
14/Mar Study 18/03/12 Dining room Dining room
21/Mar Study 25/03/12 Cancelled Cancelled
28/Mar Study 01/04/12 Dining room Dining room
04/Apr Study 08/04/12 Conpulsion
11/Apr Study 15/04/12 Dining room Dining room
18/Apr Study 22/04/12 Dining room Dining room
25/Apr Study 29/04/12 Billiard room Dining room
02/May Study 06/05/12 Dining room Dining room
09/May Study 13/05/12 Dining room Dining room
16/May Study 20/05/12 Dining room Dining room
23/May Study
30/May Study

Jonatan Rostén (GEAS Secretary)

2012 Gaming Sessions

Merry Christmas, Grand Adventurers

I hope your holidays are merry or otherwise enjoyable. Here are the specifics about the GEAS bookings for the spring.

Wednesdays (6pm – 10pm): The first session is January 18th in the Dining room. Then there is one week where there is no official session, so the second session is on February 1st, also in the Dining room. Then there is another skip week, but after that, all sessions should be running. All sessions after the second skip are in the Study.

Sundays (1pm – 5pm and 6pm – 10pm): The first Sunday session is January 22nd. Sundays are in the Dining room with a few exceptions. On January 29th (second week) and February 19th there are no official evening sessions and the sessions on March 25 are completely cancelled. On February 2nd and 19th, as well as April 29th, we will be in the Billiard room in the afternoon.

Hopefully, I should be around so that I can tell everyone what’s going on.